From prosthetic limbs with cutting-edge sensors to arms with movable fingers, prosthetic technology has taken off dramatically recently.
FREMONT, CA: The physical challenges for amputees are daunting, and prosthetic technology can come to help here. Experts are working to unleash the potential of advanced prosthetic technologies for patients looking to improve their health and overall quality of life. Here are some of the innovations in prosthetic technology that are catching medical firms’ attention.
• Brain-Controlled Prosthetics
With brain-controlled prosthetics to appear in the market soon, the medical field is expected to reach the peak of prosthetic application. Brain-controlled prosthetics are still in the prototype stages, but research is progressing quickly, and the medical field could see the next generation of prosthetic limbs very shortly. With this technology, wearables can be used as brain functions to control movement, bringing in cognitive intelligence into the actual prosthetics, allowing for complete integration.
• Custom 3D-Printed Prosthetics
3D printing has become a valuable application throughout the prosthetic community. All over the world, 3D printing is allowing for the cost-effective creation of functioning prosthetics, which is allowing amputees to utilize lightweight, futuristic limbs. By using robotics to create movement, bionic arms are already in the market today. The muscle sensors connected to the skin of these state-of-the-art prosthetics allow the user to operate the limb effectively.
• Prosthetics with Advanced Sensor Technology
Advanced sensor technology has enabled some of the latest prosthetic technology to move and grip with the same kind of precision that mind-controlled technologies provide. The newest sensor advancements offer users the ability to control a prosthetic arm down to the fingertips through simple muscle movements. Sensor technologies require no surgery and have become so advanced that they can help users to grip and flex hand muscles like never before.
With these types of prosthetics now available in the market, there is a wide range of options for people to choose from. Also, it is time for medical firms to be involved in prosthetic technology and its development to make quantum leaps in improving medical care.
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